You get stuck behind someone hauling hay. DRAT!
But the small Northeastern Washington town living does have it's advantages:
1. Traffic is about as backlogged as the people lining up to be Pac-man Jones' PR Director.
2. Deer make excellent speed bumps.
3. Keystone is the beer of choice, not that pricey Busch Light stuff.
4. You won't have to worry about running into a politician in these parts, you know, because they're looking for population centers that will vote for them. Not pass it up for Bingo Night.
5. Bingo Night rocks. By the way.
6. Chasing off people with a rifle is perfectly legal here, just don't shoot at them.
7. Fitness is actually pretty easy, with all the hunting that you do for your food, you really don't have to go to the gym. Dragging the game out of the woods burns a lot of calories too.
8. Smog... is a myth in these parts.
9. Well water, not that chlorine crap they serve you in Spokane.
10. It's like Canada, but with a much better flag.
(If you're offending by my small-town bashing, please, small-town people bash their town more than people that aren't from a small town. Only thing is, we can get away with it because our SUV is faster than your Toyota Prius.)
LOL for real man