1. Bruce Willis is a bad ass in the movie. That's never in question. It's like the filmmakers were like "what can we have him do now that will make people crap their pants" - like Jack Bauer but instead or torturing terrorists he just throws them down a flight of stairs and breaks their neck.
2. Carl Winslow is in this movie. As the lone cop that initially responds to the terrorist situation. While not really serving any purpose except telling John McClane to "hang in there" and shaking his head every time the FBI screws up. But it's good to see Reginald VelJohnson use his great acting ability to a higher level than just yelling "Steve!" all the time.
3. Whitty One-Liners
"We're gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess."
"Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister."
"Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."
4. Violence
Yeah they don't pull any punches. And by the way, count how many people in the room go "ewwww' when one of the terrorists gets their kneecaps blown out and they fall face first into a plate glass window.
5. Subtle Humor
It's like it's spoofing itself while actually being a serious movie. Play a drinking game with this movie and set up 80s movies rules with it and guaranteed, you'll be drunk by about halfway through it.
6. Unnecessary Nudity
Like every good 80s movie, it has it.
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