The answer: No.
I've never been much of a baseball fan. I mean, I've paid attention too it cause it's a sport and I like sports, but I've never felt a strong connection to it. Not like I LOVE football of all levels from high school to pro. Baseball just didn't grab me.
For that reason I never really "claimed" a team as Brandon did with the Red Sox. Instead, I rooted for the Mariners because they were the local team. And I still hope they win, because I really enjoy it when Seattle is represented on the national stage.
Side note: How about those Hawks getting Aaron Curry? Sweet. Oh, and how about the team removing the franchise tag from Hill? Sending a message to him. I think so.
Ok, back to baseball. So yes, I am now a Kansas City fan. So much so that yesterday when I was at the mall I decided to buy a hat. I'm more of a fan of the soft hats. Twill I think they're called. As opposed to the flatbill heavier hats.
I walk into the Just Sports and start looking at the hats. The worker asks me, "Can I help you find something?"
"Yes. I'm looking for a Kansas City hat. Do you have one?"
"Yeah man. We have lots of Chiefs hats. You a fan?"
"No, I meant the Royals."
--silence as he stares at me with his mouth open--
"The Royals?" he asks.
"Yes. Do you have any hats?"
"Why the Royals?"
"I'm a fan. Do you have any hats?"
"No." he replys while rolling on the floor in laughter.
Sadly, the same events transpired at every store I went into. At Lids they didn't even know Kansas City still had an MLB team.
Oh well. When they do win the World Series oneday, I can say I was a fan when they stunk. I just hope I'm not watching that game with my great grandchildren.
Looks like I'm heading online for a hat.
I bet you in the Just Sports break room the guy was like "You're not going to believe what I just saw... so Sasquatch walks into the room and wants some Portland Trailblazers gear. Then he leaves and a FREAKIN' Kansas City Royals fan comes in. It was a normal day until a Royals fan came in the door."