April 20, 2009

Fat pitcher loses weight with Wii Fit

No, it's not Carlos Silva, but San Diego closer Heath Bell reportedly lost 25 pounds during the off-season by playing Wii-Fit.

...the hard-throwing Bell credits his Nintendo Wii Fit game for helping him lose 25 pounds. He reported to camp at a svelte 245 pounds.

"It said I was obese," said Bell, who weighed 270 pounds when he began playing the video game in the offseason. "I was disappointed that I was that big. I literally took the game to heart. I did the work but I kind of credit the Wii Fit."

Now I'll admit the first time I played Wii Sports with some friends I had some soreness the next day. However, that's a computer-bound, journalist, who had a beer gut and the metabolism of Jabba the Hutt.

When you're a professional athlete, shouldn't you have to do more than play a video game to lose 25 pounds? I mean what was he doing before that in the offseason that couldn't work off the fat? Seeing who could down the most steaks at the Outback Steakhouse?

Thanks Bell, for making baseball players look like overweight World of Warcraft Players...

Oh wait, that's my favorite baseball player - Curt Schilling.

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