April 20, 2009

A stat to ponder for you baseball fans out there who love Manny Ramirez

Saw this on BostonDirtDogs.com

Jason Bay: 3 HR, 10 RBI, .344 Ave.
...The $25 Million Manny: 0 HR, 5 RBI, .278 Ave.

Looks like the Red Sox may have got the better end of the deal. And everyone around this area should be rooting for the guy anyways because he came from just across the border in Trail, BC.


  1. I don't mean to put a damper on this, but here are the numbers after the weekend:

    Bay: .293, 3 HR, 10 RBI
    Ramirez: .326, 2 HR, 7 RBI

    That said, I'd still take Bay.

  2. I love the early season and how a guy's batting average can drop by .050 points suddenly.
