I've heard of nicotine addictions, heroine addictions, heck even video game addictions. But Facebook addictions? Now that is something.
It appears that this is what our society has come to. A 19-year-old man in Bradenton, Florida actually stole a laptop from a man in Starbucks when the customer refused to let him check his facebook. The 19-year-old grabbed the laptop and ran out of the mall. He was later tackled in the parking lot by two people and held down until security arrived.
Here's how I believe the events traspired:
(For the sake of the article I will call the 19-year-old "Kid" and the customer "Hank")
Kid: "Hey man. My iPhone died. I can't update my Facebook status. Can I use your laptop?"
Hank: "Sorry son. I'm in the middle of a very important video conference."
Kid: "Wow that sucks. Now all of my friends that I have on Facebook won't know what I am doing at this very moment."
Hank: "What did your last status say?"
Kid: "Kid is Drinking coffee in a Starbucks in the mall."
Hank: "How is that different than what you are doing right now?"
Kid: (rolling eyes) "I finished my coffee. Can't you see that this is tea? Sheesh."
Hank: "That's pratcially the same thing. Besides, who really cares that you're in a Starbucks drinking coffee?"
Kid: "All my sweet social networking friends. Wow you are lame."
Hank: "I'm glad I didn't let you borrow my laptop for that."
Kid: "Please sir. Now I need to change my status to, Kid is Drinking tea in a Starbucks while talking to a really lame old guy."
Hank: "Anyway, thanks for the chat. Now please go."
Kid: (Staring at Hank. Then at the laptop. Then at Hank. Then the laptop.)
Hank: "Fine. Change your status then get out of here."
Kid: "Thanks." (Starts typing away)
Hank: "What are you changing it to now?"
Kid: "Kid is Stealing some guys laptop from a Starbucks."
And with that he runs out the door.
Now I know that might not be exactly how everything went down. But that's the word around Facebook anyway. I've got to go change my status to, "Casey just wrote a blog."
So that way all my friends can know exactly what I'm up to at this moment.