March 21, 2009

World's deadliest spider found in supermarket

I'm glad I don't get anything from the produce section because stuff like this happens:

An employee of Whole Foods Market in Tulsa discovered what an expert said was a Brazilian wandering spider in a bunch of bananas from Honduras on Sunday and managed to catch it in a container.

The spider was given to University of Tulsa animal facilities director Terry Childs, who identified the arachnid and said that type of spider is one of the most lethal in the world.

Childs said a bite will kill a person in about 25 minutes, and while there is an antidote, he doesn't know of any in the Tulsa area.

But a Tulsa Zoo official disputed the findings, saying his analysis through video and photos he'd seen led him to believe that it was a Huntsman spider — which is harmless to humans.

And they can't clarify it because somebody at the lab apparently destroyed the body. So we could have a potential outbreak of deadly spiders in our produce sections or somebody needs to do a better job dusting cobwebs. No one panic!

By the way, doesn't this seem like some sort of comic book villain plot.

"You see, what I will do is release the world's deadliest spider in all of the country's produce sections to bring everyone to their knees! Who can live without their fresh cabbage?"

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to hit up the TV dinner selection.


  1. spiders are good to eat with fried chicken and chips. and i would turn into spiderman and save the world.
