April 7, 2009

Inside the Michigan State locker room during halftime of the national championship game

If you slept through the national championship game than you know that UNC basically dominated the Michigan State Spartans for forty straight minutes. It got so bad Dylan Kitzan from Unforgivable to make the statement "I wonder if they're going to cutaway from this game to show replays from last year's championship game."

Anyways, down 55-34 at halftime, you had to wounder what was being said in the Spartans locker room.

"At least we're not getting shut out!"

"You know if we leave now I'm sure nobody will notice. Let's just sneak out of the back of Ford Field, you know, that secret exit where the Detroit Lions always slink out of."

"We're number two! We're number two!"

"Come on guys, people are changing the channel over to the Mariners. Seriously, the Mariners."

"It's 0-0 now in the second half, except that we spotted them 21 points."

"I'm drunk."

"Who ordered the cake with the girl inside? Where did this come from and why does it say 'for Roy?'"

"Can I just play Guitar Hero with Bobby Knight?"

"Well, at least we aren't losing to Duke..."

1 comment:

  1. These are good. I would like to add< "Well, at least Bobby Knight's not our coach, because if he was, the guitar would get smashed over our head's."
