April 13, 2009

Turkeys attacking mail carriers

At JustSON we love the outdoors. We also love bizarre news stories. But what we love most of all is bizarre outdoor news stories. This story came out on OutdoorNews.com:

Grand Haven, Mich. (AP) - Mail carriers have long had to worry about rain, snow and biting dogs. Now in Grand Haven, they're facing a new challenge: attacking turkeys.

In the past month, eight or nine turkeys has been disrupting mail delivery in one part of the Michigan city, about 165 miles west-northwest of Detroit. The threatening turkeys include three males.

Carrier Jeremy Bogerd has been pecked in the leg. He says the tom turkeys are "super aggressive.''

He said the 15- to 18-pound turkeys chase the mail carriers around the neighborhood and gather at the door of the mail truck when it enters the area.

The story goes on to talk about how Bogerd now even uses a board to defend himself from these turkeys. View the rest of the article here.

I can see the workings of a horror Thanksgiving movie right now. An innocent mail carrier is walking down the road with his mail bag, when over the hill comes the turkeys. They kick up dust as they run toward him. He grabs his board and prepares to stand his ground. Soon the turkeys are upon him and he's swinging madly.

Then, the turkey numbers continue to increase. Soon he turns to run, but it's too late. The huge numbers of turkeys jump on him. Moments later they scatter from the street where the attact took place, and a single letter blows down the street in the breeze.

We'll call it "The Day After Thanksgiving." I can hear the studios calling already.

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