June 24, 2010

Morning coffee... June 24, 2010

Sam Bowie was taken by the Portland Trailblazers in the 1984 NBA Draft one pick in front of Michael Jordan. His career was shorten by injuries and was largely considered one of the biggest busts in NBA history. Bowie played his last NBA game in 1995. He has since made hundreds of thousands of dollars betting on horse racing. Read the full story here.

National News

According to Madden 11, Drew Brees, Peyton Manning are the best quarterbacks in the game.

However, Matt Hasselbeck has a 99 rating in baldness.

Red Sox prospect improves after brian surgery

Ryan Westmoreland was a promising ballplayer, then they found a malformation in his brain. (Things you dont want to see in the same sentance "brain" and "malformation"), but hopefully he makes it back out on the field. You all should root for this guy.

Italy is upset, knocked out of World Cup

France and Italy are out, meaning my two least favorite European companies are gone from the World Cup. And the US is still kicking! Oh Happy Day!

Longest tennis match ever is finally over - Daily Interlake

It lasted over 11 hours and stretched over three days. Holy crap.

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