July 11, 2010

Photos from Casey's camping trip

Thanks to the modern marvel of Facebook, I ran across these photos of Casey camping this weekend in the state of Washington. Judging from them, I would assume there were no survivors.

"That fire looks like it needs a poke, no need to get a normal sized poker, let me get a small California Redwood to poke at it."

"The fire is dying! Here, let me use this WSU chair as fuel. This should go up into thin air quicker than Paul Wulff's coaching career."

"You know that forest fire they're having in Wenatchee right now? Yep, that's not me. Nope, not me. Nope. Not me.... NOOOOOPE...."

1 comment:

  1. Camping. Camping. Camping. If there is one thing the Americans have in common that is camping. Do you agree? Every people talks about camping and every year there are lots of group going out and looking for a perfect place for fun.
