December 14, 2008

JustSoN Question: Favorite Article of Clothing

Last night I went out with some friends to a restaurant. Yeah, that would seem pretty normal. But the catch was that we all wore "tacky holiday sweaters." You know the type, mine was actually a cardigan, with a big ol' moose on the front. Or a white sweater with a huge green tree, complete with ornaments and blinking lights.

The thing of it is, we walk in, and there are several groups of people dress just like us. They could have just joined in. But the problem was, those were their normal clothes. And not to be mean, but it was mainly older generations.

So that leads me to the JustSoN Question of the Day: Is there an article of clothing that you have, that you love, but other people look at you funny for wearing? Or maybe even try to throw in the trash on you?


  1. I figured I'd get the ball rolling on this one. I have a t-shirt that I've had since middle school. I only wear it for working out in now. But whenever I'm at home, my mom always tries to get rid of it. But thus, she can not.

  2. I've got this Chewbacca Star Wars T shirt. I like to think of it as my "lucky" shirt, if you know what I mean. Some people think it's gross when I wear it for a few days, but I've found that the musk that builds up on it over time really turns women on. Plus, it turns me into an animal in the sack.

  3. There are several t-shirts I can't seem to get rid of including a SpoungeBob SquarePants t-shirt that elicits a sigh and rolled eyes from Anna Koenig, who is my adopted mother.

    I wondering when FishBear is going to get on here and mention his Seattle Mariners hat. That thing has seem more action than Wilt Chamberlain.
