These are non-specific things I hate about sports. I'm being ambiguous today.
1. How every close Super Bowl is apparently the best ever.
That's impossible. And considering that I fell asleep during the Cards-Steelers Super Bowl before the fourth quarter, just spare me all the jibber jab. The best big game ever played was Tennessee-St. Louis. The stretched out on the goal line moment is something that will be burnt into my mind until the day that I die. We're talking INCHES with a world championship on the line.
Meanwhile, ho-hum, the Steelers win their sixth Super Bowl. Media outlets need to get some perspective.
2. Fans that complain about female sideline reporters.
Because they're specifically there for you. Look how much we talk about Erin Andrews over the Internet. Don't act like your a sports fan first and a guy second. If she's cute, you'll keep watching. And trust me, she can do her job a whole lot better than your couch-sitting, sweatpant-fitting butt can. If we put a camera in your face and asked you to interview Bobby Knight coming off the court at halftime while he's down ten points, you're probably going to stammer and sweat like Sammy Sosa at the Congressional Steroids Hearing.
3. High School Athletes that cant let it go
I don't care that your 8th grade coach told you to box out, you did and you did it quiet well and that it annoys you that Lamar Odom doesn't box out. Whoop-de-doo, that doesn't make you any better than him, he's still in the NBA and you're biggest game of the year is the thanksgiving pickup game with your 12-year old cousin.
Don't talk to me about fundamentals and heart, because professional athletes need plenty of that to get to the point where they are. You may want to ask youself why you didn't make it that far if you were so dedicated to "defense, hard-work and not having corn-rows."
4. That heckler that says stupid, stupid, stupid things
I'm all for heckling, just make sure you say thing right things. "Hey guys you need to shoot the ball better" is not a quality statement. Something more like "You guys are shooting like Sh**" ... that will get their attention.
And we've all had the friend that talks sports out of his butt, well nothing is worse than the sports heckler that heckles out of his butt. Make sure you do research before you head to the game.
5. Sports Parents
Pretty Self Explanatory. Dumbest people ever.
6. Tearing down classic old stadiums and ballparks for new, state-of-the art buildings
I know its a money thing but look how the NFL has pushed out all their regular fans for the luxury suite Battlestar Galacticas, the NBA cant provide a packed-house environment on the weekdays in 20,000 seat arena and the MLB has a bunch of quirky retro-ballparks that all try to be unique but all end up being the same damn thing.
Meanwhile in college sports, we've got new, old and what-the-hell-were they thinking arenas based solely on the need of the program, not the "We need a new building because everyone else has one."
This leads to some of the legendary venues in college sports becoming just even more legendary, even if they're crappy places to watch a game (Husky Stadium, cough, cough).
7. Montana
Okay, this one is specific.
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