Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, the Red Sox continued their woes against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays losing their second straight 4-3, but their bats showed some pop and an ability to come back in the bottom of the ninth. After a great start by Beckett, Lester and Dice-K have looked pedestrian - not the sucking black vortex that is the overpaid Yankees pitching staff - but not fantastic out on the mound.
There's not much you can get worked up over this early in the season unless your team takes a total dive. Luckily, comments by Yankee fans left on ESPN.com always give me a reason to get heated up. Take this comment for example, which I have broken down in chunks so I can make this Yankee fan look like a douchebag:
you guys are comedians.. ur like the little brother who could never get enuff attention. u guys played the RAYS... the RAYS, yet every comment mentions the Yanks.
The same Rays that made the World Series last year and finished ahead of the Yankees in the AL East standings along with the Red Sox. Yes those Rays.
U guys pay more attention to us than we do to u. U guys know more Yankee history than we care to know about the SOx.
It's because other than the die-hards most Yankee fans don't even know the team's in New York. Say what you will about Red Sox Nation, but 7 times out of ten if you see a guy with a Yankees hat on, he's going to say he's wearing it because it looks cool. This comment just proves my point. I'm glad Sox fans know more about Yankees fan.
In the basball world.. u guys are like Canada..same colors too..lol.. always comparing yourself to the super power next door with all the money and the history of overshadowing ur petty few accomplishments.
Nothing like putting down an entire country.
ITS OPENING DAY.. what do u say if u lose the next two.. do u pack in the season.. stop being morons and start being baseball fans.. ur embarassing urself...the season starts 50 - 60 games in.. till then, only the idiots on bar stools at noon can pretend to know whats gonna happen.
Last time I checked the season is 162 games, but apparently even your starting rotation thinks the season starts 50-60 games into the season - so enjoy trying to come back in the standings against the Sox and Rays this year, you meatball eating, toupee wearing, mom's basement sitting Yankee fan.
Alright, I'm done.
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