Before I start this post about the Sounders FC game on Saturday, I have to tell you the best headline I have read about the game so far.
So the Kansas City team is called the Wizards. Wizards, Kansas, you all know the story about the girl with red shoes and a yellow brick road. But the best headline so far has to go to the Sounders FC home Web site with:
Wizards in the Emerald City.
Epic headline. Welcome to Seattle.
But what started this post was an email that I received from the Sounders FC about the game. You see, JustSON's very own Northern Rangers will be at the game, and we bought our tickets the moment they went on sale.
How nice of the Sounders to remember me! Here's what the email said:
Seattle Sounders FC vs. Kansas City Wizards
Saturday, April 11 at 7:30pm
Qwest Field, Seattle
Now that you've got tickets for this Sounders FC match, it's time for us to get you informed on the ins and outs of the Xbox Pitch at Qwest Field. Whether this is your first visit or this is your home away from home, we hope this email is a great resource for you and your guests as your prepare the upcoming match. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing and hearing you in a few days!
Then they went on to tell me about traffic problems, what the promotions at the game were, how to donate used soccer gear to the Washington Youth Soccer Equipment Drive Program and the best part was this section:
Join Us for Soccer Celebration! We invite you to join us early for the excitement of Soccer Celebration beginning 90 minutes before the first kick. Arrive early and design a GO SOUNDERS FC sign, paint your face and listen to music! All of your pre-match activities are located at the Northwest Gate, continue inside the stadium at the North Plaza and throughout the Qwest Field Plaza. Click here to learn more about the Sounders FC pre-match experience including the March to the Match.
Oh man oh man! You can bet that the Northern Rangers will be there to make a video!
And of course, we'll have our Scarves Up!
Scarves up, indeed! Check out our new Sounders blog, probably not as informative as yours, but we've got boobs! http://soundersboard.blogspot.com/