April 19, 2009

Seattle fans have seen this before

According to USS Mariner, here was the type of pitches that Carlos Silva threw in his last two starts...

April 8th 23 fastballs, 61 sinkers.
April 14th 41 fastballs, 37 sinkers

That's two different types of pitches if you're counting. Although I'm not sure how you would classify the pitches that go careening into the protective screen at Safeco Field. Either way, the man is milking a 6.35 ERA and an 0-2 record after today's 8-2 loss to the Detroit Tigers.

After busting out some rather interesting software that charts pitches, the USS Mariner has come to this conclusion...

Carlos Silva’s sinker is indistinguishable from his fastball, if we grant that he even throws two pitches. He’s playing rock-paper-scissors with rock, rock, and rock.

If you're keeping score at home, that's bad news. But hey! At least the Mariners' bullpen has the same problem.

Now for your AL East fans out there reading Just South of North, which is Dylan Kitzan and that strange Austrian woman I met at the bar last night, the Red Sox are back to .500 after Jon Lester shook off a rough start to the season and looked like the Lester of old in a 2-1 victory over the Baltimore Orioles.

Final line: Seven innings pitches, four hits and nine strikeouts.

For Red Sox fans, that's a very good sign that Lester is dealing again. And that the Yankees are giving up over 20 runs a game.

1 comment:

  1. If you were an M's fan and I told you Silva would win 7 games with an ERA of 5.50, would you take it? If nothing else, you would have to be seriously considering it...
