April 13, 2009

Things not to do in an Irish Pub

We spent time in a Seattle Irish Pub before the Sounders game on Saturday and discovered a few rules that you should follow...

Expect a low calorie menu
- Things you'll never see at an Irish Pub... salad, tofu and organic foods.

Order a light beer
- There's a below-21 club around the corner. We'd suggest you go there.

Mention something about the English
- because they have bad teeth and horrible taste in cars.

Ask for someone to change the Flogging Molly to some Young Jeezy
- Have you ever felt a bottle broke over your head? Because you're about to feel it.

Forget the name of the waitress
- Your beer will be warm. 

Tell the waitress to "get to work"
- Yikes, now your beer wont come at all.

Tell the person next to you that you hate Guinness
- That's like saying Apple Pie in un-American.

Ask the bartender where all these ruffians came from
- Those are Irish people.

Ask the bartender to turn on the Yankees game
- Only Red Sox games belong on the tube.

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