June 3, 2009

Equality for gingers

This is an actual letter to the editor, sent in to the Tri-City Herald. God bless that city(s).

Where is the line at racial inequality drawn? Who is the person that decides what is hate, and what is not? I thought that discrimination was something of the past, but no, with the past events, I'm afraid it has surfaced once again. Too many people now are using the derogatory term "ginger," "carrot top," and worse as means of verbally abusing the redhead population. Not a day goes by that red-haired children are not bullied on account of their hair color.

People today wave it off and shrug their shoulders at the matter, but for me, enough is enough! We are being judged not by our deeds or our character, but by the color of our hair. If I have never called a black person or a person of Hispanic descent a racial epithet, then why should I have to tolerate others calling me a "flamer?"

I don't find this funny. People with red hair make up less than 2 percent of the world's population, and science proves that we will all be extinct in the upcoming 50 years. So why end our memory with hate. We are not asking for some sort of reward, only for the equal treatment others can get freely.


After reading this, I now officially see my meaning in life. If red heads are going to extinct in 50 years, I'm damn well going to be the last one that kicks the bucket. You hear me? I will not croak until I'm the last living ginger on planet Earth. They should give me a medal for something like that.

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