June 6, 2009

Man Card Rules: Don't whistle at a woman

Saw this on Huckleberries Online

Whether you’re out for a run or out doing errands, at this time of year clothing tends to be more skin-revealing. You don’t think much of it and then suddenly you’re met with catcalls, whistling, kissing sounds, et cetera when you pass a group of men. When the layers come off, the catcalling increases. What you find is that your summer clothing has become an invitation for men to gawk at you and harass you with inappropriate comments.

While some women might find these “compliments” flattering, most women find them offensive and disrespectful. It makes women feel uncomfortable and sometimes even threatened/Anne-Marije Rook, UI Argonaut.

I commented on the post, saying it was stupid to assume that college guys spend their time whistling at women on campus. Not only is it stupid, but also a practice of stereotyping and basically a practice that isn't very quantifiable nor is it worth being printed. Looks like they needed to fill space in the Argonaut.

Needless to say, I didn't make very many feminist friends with my post.

So I'll try and redeem myself and make this simple statement: Guys, you're an idiot if you whistle at a women. Not only do you look like a complete jackass, but chances are your efforts wont be met with any sort of positive reaction. So do yourself a favor and just go home to your single apartment and enjoy a thrilling episode of "Baywatch."

(However, does anyone find her argument complete illogical "I like to wear skimpier clothing and now every man whistles at me (which is probably pulled from a singular event, but we as the reader cannot judge the frequency of the said whistling), I don't like the attention, it's demeaning and every guy should stop doing it." ... well every guy doesn't whistle, so please don't do the college sin of stereotyping us all)


  1. that's not her argument at all nor does she say "college guys"

  2. you should check out War Zone. find it on youtube
