July 6, 2009

What you missed over the weekend

The 4th of July - America turned 233 years old, and really doesn't look a day over 200.

Transformers defies the critics - Movie critics turned their noses up at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but fans certainly didn't. Post-theater polls and business numbers (over 400 million) not only showed that movie critics are out of touch but they're completely useless as well.

Andy Roddick is good, but not the best - He lost to Roger Federer in the Wimbledon Finals and now everyone feels sorry for him. Ladies and gentlemen, the Rocco Mediate of Tennis!

The Shock are no longer undefeated -
They lost on the road to Iowa 54-48 on Saturday, much to the suprise of everyone in Spokane.

Fairies invade Washington - No joke, the Fairy Congress held a festival in Washington State near twisp to connect with supernatural fairies. Just watch the video. You'll be glad you did.

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