Why do the best stories always seem to happen in Spokane? For a smaller city it sure seems to make the "Wall of Weird" a lot.
Take this story I came across today in the Spokesman-Review.
SPOKANE, Wash. — The mysterious mewing in Vickie Mendenhall's home started about the time she bought a used couch for $27. After days of searching for the source of the noise, she found a very hungry calico cat living in her sofa.
Her boyfriend, Chris Lund, was watching TV on Tuesday night and felt something move inside the couch. He pulled it away from the wall, lifted it up and there was the cat, which apparently crawled through a small hole on the underside.
Mendenhall contacted Value Village, where she bought the couch, but the store had no information on who donated it. So she took the cat to SpokAnimal CARE, the animal shelter where she works, so it could recover, and contacted media outlets in hopes of finding the owner.
Sure enough, Bob Killion of Spokane showed up to claim the cat on Thursday after an acquaintance alerted him to a TV story about it. Killion had donated a couch on Feb. 19, and his 9-year-old cat, Callie, disappeared at about the same time.
So it was that last line that really got me to chuckle. That he donated his couch and about that time the cat disappeared. Here's how I think the whole thing went down.Wife: "Honey, get rid of this couch!"
Man: "But that's my favorite sitting spot. And the cat loves that couch too."
Wife: "I don't care. I want it gone by this evening. Donate it or burn it. I don't care."
Man: "Fine fine."
(Returning to house after donating it)
Man: "Well, the couch is gone. Now where am I supposed to sit."
Wife: "Funny you should mention that. Tomorrow we're going shopping."
Man: "Great."
Wife: "By the way, have you seen the cat?"
Man: "No, it's probably sad cause it's favorite couch is gone. As am I."
Wife: "I bet you let her out while you were moving the couch! I'm gonna slug you!"
A few days later and still no cat, the man is watching the news while sitting on the new couch his wife bought.
Man: "Stupid new couch. I had the perfect butt imprint in that good ol' couch."
Wife: "What was that honey?"
Man: "I was just saying how much I loved this couch."
Wife: "Quiet, the news is on."
Watching the news.
Man: "Hey Ma! The cat's on TV!"
Wife: "It is! That's our cat. They found her in that stupid old couch of yours. You know it's all your fault."
Man: "My fault?"
Wife: "Well, if you wouldn't have had such an ugly couch, I wouldn't of had to give it away. And the cat wouldn't have gotten lost. It's all your fault."
Man: "But I ju....."
Wife: "Enough! Go get the cat."
Do you think the man was disappointed it only sold for $27?
ReplyDeleteStill a great story.