Now you may wonder why I have a picture of the New York Yankees on this blog... well buckaroos, yesterday in their season opener, the $161 million dollar man CC Sabathia sucked it up on the mound in his first outing for the pinstripes. He didn't get through five innings, gave up six runs and didn't record a single strikeout. Marky Mark, or better known as Mark Teixeria went 0-for-4 and stranded five runners. In the end, the Yanks lost 10-5 to the Baltimore Orioles.
And the best part about it is I'm pretty sure somebody robbed the Yankees team bus of their tires and left the thing on cinder blocks. That's the kind of wonderful town that Baltimore is. As my buddy Colin (who went to school at the University of Maryland) would say "there are apartments in Baltimore that only have three walls, you do the math. Yeah it's a dump."

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