April 28, 2009

Reasons why you're still single... Star Trek

(1) You're going to dress up for the new Star Trek Movie... as the actual U.S.S. Enterprise ship, using lots of paper mache.

(2) You can't wait until they start taking applications for Starfleet... should be happening any day now.

(3) You cried when they killed Spock in the second movie... or are pissed that I just ruined the second movie for everyone.

(4) You sometimes call your friends "Number One" and tell them to "Make it So."

(5) You once shaved your head to look like Captain Jean Luc Picard.

(6) You literally peed your pants when you saw the previews for the new Star Trek movie and you aren't ashamed of it at all. Worst of all, you were watching the latest vampire movie when you saw the preview.

(7) You named your dog "Kirk."

(8) You named one of your body parts "Captain Kirk."

(9) You make warp speed sounds when you're driving and pretend to shoot phasers at cars that are going too slow.

(10) You refer to your bedroom as a "Starbase."

With that being said, I can't wait for this new movie to come out. It's going to rock!


  1. you forgot to add a few things, mostly if you can't. . . stop. . . talking. . . like Bill Shatner. . . and think it'll get you tail. . . across the galaxy. LoL, great post Bhan, and if you want to dress up, well I'll be there to support you, but in plain clothes.

  2. All I can say about number 8 is "oh, dear".

    Yes, I'm making as guess as to what body part was named.
