May 20, 2009

Counting elk

I just found this on

Kennewick, Wash. (AP) - Wildlife officials say a wildfire on the Hanford Reach National Monument in southeast Washington led to a small decline in the size of its elk herd. Still, Mike Livingston, district wildlife manager for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, says the herd appears to be in good shape. Its size was estimated at 630 animals during a count earlier this year. The fire, which burned 60,000 acres in August 2007, prompted the herd to look farther afield for food. That allowed hunters in the neighboring Rattlesnake Hills to kill more animals.

Now this got me to thinking. First off, how do you get the job as an elk counter?

I think I am qualified to do that job. I can count and I like the outdoors. But what if I lost count? Well then I'd have to start all over. And how do you know that you didn't count the same elk twice? Or what if one of the elk is off in the bushes going poo? Well then you missed one.

Secondly, why do people count sheep to fall asleep? Why wouldn't you count something else? Like cows, or hippos! Imagine counting hippos jumping over a fence. Now that would be a dream!

1 comment:

  1. geez... if you had to count alligators in the swamps.. that methinks might be a nightmare :) Elk counter.. hmmm where do I sign up?

    gp in mt.. who sees plenty of elk in her backyard
    shall i get my calculator out? :)
