October 30, 2008

The real crime here is the journalist who F-ed up the deck

Now while I can appreciate the story that just came out about a campus cop who was stealing donuts in upstate New York, I'm a bit confused becase in the deck of the story the website reports $300 worth of donuts sold while in the story it says $30.

If he stole $300 worth of donuts I'd be more worried about his health than actually putting him in jail.

Although the most entertaining thing about this story was all the people commenting about how "The pig is getting what he deserved" and "he though he was above the law."

Well I'll be the first to say that in a donut shop that was offering free coffee to police officers anyways, taking a free pastry isn't exactly grand theft auto. I dare say that media and press members take more than their share of free food from the press box during sporting events, should they be charged for theft to?

And taking a donut is not exactly a power trip, it's a way to get diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. If I knew I could get away with it, I would take donuts every day until eventually, I weighed 600 pounds and developed a terrible case of acne. You'd see me living in Brandon's basement then though.
