December 8, 2008

Golden Arches

I just saw a poll that said 60 percent of Americans are cutting down on Christmas gifts this year due to financial reasons. When a CNN anchor read that news, she called it a tragedy...

Wait, what? So little Johnny doesn't get a miniature Power Wheels Hummer to cruise around the block. Excuse me for being a little jaded, but the news that Americans are actually saving money is a bit promising. Maybe everyone wont be in thousands of dollars of debt after the Holiday season.

It seems that the ol' USA is taking on the recession with the same vigor and attitude of an old lady on life support.

Look at McDonalds, which has recorded a growth in sales...

How ironic is that? The much-maligned burger joint is taking in profits while everyone is either asking the government for money or just going under.

Why? Because people eat food. McDonalds provides food. It seems pretty cut and dry. Americans eat a lot of food and don't want to wait for it. If you put out a product people will eat and balance your books, you'll be fine.

As Jake from Just Southeast of Northwest said "McDonalds knows what theyre doing, remember Morgan Sperlock? Precisely, not many people do anymore."

And this is coming from the biggest college conservative hippie I know. Morgan Sperlock produced that anti-McDonalds documentary where he basically ate nothing but McDonalds for an entire month.

He, of course, had serious medical problems.

But you know what? If I ate just celery for a month straight I would probably have the same thing happen for me. Sperlock's argument is fundamentally flawed in the fact that humans need diversified diets.

McDonalds is just a small slice of that food selection, and they package it right and lots of people obviously eat there. That's how America works.

1 comment:

  1. is this your way of getting around your 'diet'
