April 7, 2009

10 pickup lines that never work

So Casey and I have had our far share of experiences sampling the various bars around the Spokane area. It's here where we've sharpened our skills to become masters of night life.

"Why are we sitting at a table to one leg shorter than the other?"

"Why are we in the corner by ourselves"

"Why is Lindsey not sitting with us?"

"Lets go home and play Halo."

It was during this time that we discovered the top ten pickup lines that will never, ever work.

1. I play for the Seattle Mariners - Unless your last name in Junior or Suzuki, you're not getting any baseball groupies. They're too busy going after the Spokane Indians and Spokane Shock players.

2. Want to see my Transformer's lunch box? Insert Justin Timberlake's "Dick in a box" joke here.

3. I was the top player at Laser Quest today, yeah I had 60 percent accuracy shooting. You know what I like to do after I do battle, yeah, I like to mate. You might want to take off the Laser Quest gear before taking a crack at this line.

4. I'm a Gonzaga student.
That would explain the festive sweater vest and the backwards University of North Carolina cap.

5. I'm an Eastern Washington University student.
Think you can pick up my tab?

6. I want to kiss you like A-Rod kisses himself.
Do you do HGH?

7. I bowl better than the president.
I might even be able to bowl in the regular people Olympics.

8. I'm a Jedi Master in bed.
In other words, call me Darth Virgin.

9. Put your number on my board, Yes!
Your chances at getting her number are fly, fly away!

10. I'm a ginger. Absolute worst pickup line. ever.

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